Annual Meeting
Our vision and direction is set each year by the members of Community in Christ at the annual meeting. All active members are encouraged to participate. The Meeting will be held Sunday November, 19th at 11:00am. Worship Sunday will be a single service at 10:00am.
New This Year: Part of our meeting will include breaking into two groups for the Future directions discussion and the Pastor's report. This will allow those presentations to take place in smaller groups so more people can share their thoughts.
Annual Meeting—Sunday, November 19th 11:00-12:30
1. Elect four new Council members. The nominating team has nominated Shari Gomilla, Jeff Moen, Patrica Maruna and Justin Shingleton.
2. Ammend the constitution to redefine a quorum to “voting members in attendance at a properly called congregational meeting.”
3. Vote on the budget to fund ministry for the next 7 months until our new fiscal year starts in July. This budget represents a 9% growth in ministry or $80,000( vs. last year.
4. Future Directions Discussion– Pastor Mike Ward, our feasibility consultant, will be here to meet with the congregation to discuss possible future directions. He is working to ascertain which projects the congregation believes we should pursue and how much a capital campaign would be able to raise for those projects.
5. Pastor and Staff Report– Pastor Travis will share highlights from the past year including the creation of the five year strategic plan and progress toward our five year goals. Carol will update the congregation on Aspen Groups and Deandrea will share the youth and children ministry strategy and progress
Feasibility Study
In November and December of 2017 the congregation had an opportunity to guide the future of Community in Christ Lutheran Church by participating in a feasibility study for a potential future capital campaign. The Council worked with Pastor Mike Ward, who has extensive experience in helping congregations determine future ministry initiatives and plans, to help them listen to the desires of the congregation members. Pastor Ward held four listening posts, conducted several individual interviews and recieved over 100 surveys from the congregation. He presented the results of the feasiiblity study to the cognregation council n January 21st, 2018. You can read the results here. The council will be determining next steps at thier annual planning retreat in February 2018.