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Holy Week April 5-12, 2020


Join us for Holy Week 2020 as we remember the story of Jesus' last days, his death and resurrection. This is the central event and holiest story in the Christian faith. Christians around the world gather during this week to remember and to grow in faith. We hope you'll join us!

Palm Sunday

On Sunday, April 5th, we'll gather outside the sanctuary to read scripture and pray before going into the sanctuary together waving palm branches. We do this to remember the grand entrance that Jesus made into Jerusalem the week before he was crucified. 

Good Friday

On Friday, April 10th at 12:00pm & 7:00pm we gather in the sanctuary to hear againt the story of Jesus' death. Through darkness, music and scripture we remember again what it cost God to provide for our salvation. 

Maundy Thursday

On Thursday, April 9th at 7:00pm we gather in the sanctuary for the Maundy Thursday service. The word "Maundy" comes from the Latin 'mandatum' which means commandment. This is the day we remember Jesus greatest commandment that we love one another. He showed his love for his discipels by washing thier feet and having his last supper with them. This service is power as it ends with the stripping of the altar which symbolizes Jesus' arrest, humiliation and torture.

Easter Sunday!

On Sunday, April 12th we gather at 8:00am, 9:30am & 11:00am to celebrate the resurrection of our Lord, Jesus! A children's easter egg hunt wil be held at 10:30. This is a glorious day to come together as the church to praise God for the gift of new life. Easter is the center of our faith and the holiest day of the Christian year!

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