Adults > Women's Groups > WELCA
To learn more about the work of these Lutheran women’s organizations visit the following web sites: and
The Love and Joy Circle of WELCA meets at 7:30 PM the second Monday of the month, September through May, in the church’s adult classroom by Karriker Hall. We begin with a Bible study followed by a brief business meeting and conclude our evening with fellowship, dessert and coffee. During the summer, we meet at local restaurants for dinner and fellowship.
Please note the following examples of activities and projects:
Sponsor a Christmas Angle Tree for residents of Lee’s Living Center
Volunteer at Angels and Sparrows Soup Kitchen in Huntersville
Support Hope House in Huntersville
Volunteer as readers for the weekday CIC Pre-School classes
Collect Campbell Soup labels to benefit the Educational Foundation at Crossnore School, Crossnore NC
Provide financial support for missionaries overseas, North Carolina Synodical ministries and the national WELCA organization.
Attend local WELCA conferences and NC Synodical gatherings.
The Love and Joy Circle published a cookbook, CREATION IN COOKING, to commemorate CIC’s 30thanniversary. Funds from the sale of the book are designated for church kitchen improvements.
Our next meeting will be on Monday, October 14, in the Adult Sunday School Room at 7:30pm.
The WELCA members adopted a Soldier, we were sending a monthly Care Package to Michael Long. He has returned to USA and he thanks everyone for their thoughtfulness.
On Saturday October 19th we will be attending the "Fall Gathering" at Christ Lutheran Church. Registration fee is $8.00 which includes lunch, we will be making plans to attend at this meeting.
All women in the congregation all members of WELCA please join us in the study of Women of the Bible followed by refreshments and fellowship. For any additional information please contact Laverne Waskielis @ 704-576-8675