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Welcome to Community in Christ Lutheran Church's Website. Right off the bat we want you to know one thing. You are loved by God. Period. God is already at work in your life and will always be at work in your life. We hope that God's work will lead you to our community of faith. If God does lead you here you'll find that we are a group of regular people committed to learning more about God's great love which was demonstrated most fully in the person of Jesus. We are ordinary, just like you, but we believe that God calls ordinary people to do extraordinary things in God's name.
If you join us for worship or another event, you'll discover that we're a big family always welcoming new members into our community. Weekly worship is very important to us. We gather to hear God's word preached from the Bible and understood through the lens of Jesus' life, death and resurrection. We gather to recieve Holy Communion, the body and blood of Jesus, which sustains our faith and reminds us who we are as God's forgiven people. We are sent out by the Holy Spirit each week to bring Jesus to our friends, family, neighbors and others by doing works of mercy and kindness.
Community in Christ is a place where all are welcome, from the youngest to the oldest. There is a place for everyone in this family of faith. A place to worship and be fed, comforted and challenged with God's word and a place to use the gifts and talents God has given each of us to be a blessing to others.
If you'd like to read more about our basic beliefs and what makes Lutheran Christians distinctive go here.