Youth > Winter Retreat
January 18th-21st 2019
Find Rest Winter Retreat
Come to me, For I am Gentle and humble in Heart, and you will find rest for your souls in me.
-Matthew 11:28-29
Middle school and High school students are invited to escape the normal rythems of life to participate in our annual Winter Retreat. There will be nightly vespers, worship led by local artist Cameron Moore, bonfires, prayer walks, games, and discussions lead by Youth group leaders that focus on finding rest in Christ as we learn to steal away the busy life
The Cost for this retreat is $226.00 This fee covers lodging, food, Skiing or snowtubing, Mystery Murder Dinner, and a day at Magi Quest in Pigeon Forge.
Contact our Youth Director, Deandre Dukes, with any questions!
Winter Retreat: January18th-21st
Cost: $226.00 per student
Location: Pigeon Forge, TN
Invite your friends to join in on the fun.